Christianity, Homeschooling, Motherhood

Words of Elisabeth Elliot, pt. 5

elisabeth-elliot“This job [of motherhood] has been given to me to do. Therefore, it is a gift. Therefore, it is a privilege. Therefore, it is an offering I may make to God. Therefore, it is to be done gladly, if it is done for Him. Here, not somewhere else, I may learn God’s way. In this job, not in some other, God looks for faithfulness.”
Elisabeth Elliot


“Here, not somewhere else, I may learn God’s way. In this job, not in some other, God looks for faithfulness.”

We have come to the final blog entry for this Elisabeth Elliott quote, and this last part of the quote is my favorite.

I must admit I am a romantic…and a dreamer…and a perfectionist.  It is a dangerous combination of traits.  When I was a young mother the romantic in me would marvel at the stories of great missionaries – like Jim and Elisabeth Elliott, for example – and all the amazing things they accomplished for God. Oh, the sacrifices they made!  I assumed God was really impressed with them because of all they did out in those hot jungles.  Or, as I listened to speakers at homeschooling conventions or Christian conferences, the dreamer in me was envious of how well they communicated their ideas or dealt with obstacles in their lives.  To me, those speakers really lived out their calling. My dreamer-self wanted to be just like them. The speakers always appeared so put-together, happy, and knowledgeable.  And then my perfectionism would kick in and I would compare the dangerous life of the missionaries to my safe life, and the impactful performance of the public speaker to my mundane activities, and I would feel guilty for not “doing” more for the Lord or living out a more significant calling.

But if I was honest with myself, I really did not feel “called” to go overseas.  Nor did my husband.  And traveling from convention to convention would be difficult on a young family like ours.  Besides, what I would talk about anyway??  I was a young woman trying to figure out her role as wife, mother, and eventually home school teacher.  So I started reminding myself about this Elisabeth Elliot quote, and I would ask myself, where would I best learn about God and his plans for me?  The answer according to Elisabeth was, right where I was at that moment.  Being at home with my children and husband was the best opportunity to learn God’s way.  Faithfully attending to my “portion” would strengthen my relationship with God.  I was called to be faithful right where He had me.  Right now. Here, not somewhere else, I may learn God’s way.

Knowing this brought me much contentment and eased my guilt.  I was being faithful to God by doing exactly what I was already doing – learning to be a supportive wife and mother to our young children.  In this job, not in some other, God looks for faithfulness. And I didn’t need a podium or a passport to do it!

Moms, if God has called you to motherhood and you are giving your all to the raising of your children then you are being FAITHFUL in what God has called you to do!  Bless you as you walk in your sacred calling!


2 thoughts on “Words of Elisabeth Elliot, pt. 5

  1. Michelle M. says:

    I so often think I would be more important, or giving more to the world, or cooler, or just better “if”…if I had a bigger degree, if I worked also, if had a blog, or was a MLM consultant or…something. Sometimes I feel like I’m looking for that “call of God” to something big. I know that what He has called me to is this, Mother, home economist, partner, teacher, and so much more as “Mama” and wife. I know it is, but it’s hard to feel the important in one more poopy diaper and another round of peanut butter sandwiches, time outs, and whining fits. But you are so right!! the point is to learn about Gods ways, right here where He has me! I think sometimes I feel like society says that if I don’t have a career too I’m worth less, and opting out. I know it’s not true, but I need to really settle in and appreciate the call of where I am! (for the record working Mom’s can be great Mom’s too, but I know I am supposed to be home!)

    • It’s hard for me to remember this too. I really wrote it for myself because I need to hear it. 🙂 I have often thought the most Jesus-like people in churches are the ones that clean the bathrooms. You never see them, but they bless so many people and perform a much-needed service that no one else wants to do because its not glamorous. I need to be more like them.

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